Nikki Terpilowski
Literary Agent
Holloway Literary - Raleigh, NC
What were some of your professional highlights of 2021?
Former staff writer for The Detroit News and first female editor of the NAACP's The Crisis magazine Denise Crittendon's WHERE IT RAINS IN COLOR, set on a resort planet governed by descendants of a West African tribe, in which a young woman infamous for her beauty is haunted by voices, afflicted with a primitive Earth disease, and transformed into a healer who can invade the minds of ancestors who once walked the now dead Earth, to Gemma Creffield at Angry Robot, Kimberly Belle, Layne Fargo, Cate Holahan, and Vanessa Lillie's YOUNG RICH WIDOWS, in which the four partners of a prominent law firm are killed in a mysterious plane crash, and their widows must come together to uncover the truth, to Lara Blackman at Audible, with Jo Ann Peritz editing, in a significant deal, in an exclusive submission, Creator of Michiel Perry's THE GULLAH HOME, a curated coffee table book focused on the heritage of Gullah home and design, to Michael Nolan at Evening Post, Video game rights for the Enchanted Bay Mystery series to Tales Creator.
What are you most looking forward to in 2022?
Selling more book and working on book-to-film deals.
What is your theme word for 2022?