Jenn Allen
Director, Business & Legal Affairs
IG: @jennbunnyesq
What was one of your professional highlights of 2020?
If I had to choose one professional highlight from 2020, it would be the integral role I played in the evolution of the studio's business this year. I helped develop and oversee the business and legal affairs strategy that allowed the animation studio to successfully expand into both, the preschool and adult markets. Every deal I closed contributed to building these slates that simply did not exist last year. It thrills me to be a part of the content creation process in this meaningful way.
What advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?
The advice I would give myself 5 years ago would be to: think it, feel it, be it. There is no time like the present to cultivate the traits and habits associated with who you aspire to be or what you want to achieve. Trust the Universe’s timing and enjoy the ride!
What is one thing that can be done differently to promote more diversity in the sports and entertainment industries?
I will always think the need for diversity initiatives is strange since I do not fundamentality understand why it is a struggle to represent the world accurately. But here we are in 2020, still demanding that the diverse voices, stories and faces that make up the world’s population are equally elevated and valued. It is inherently unproductive for a diversified talent pool to pitch and cater to an undiversified group of creative executives and decision makers. So how do we promote more diversity in the Industry? The keyword is pipeline. We must create and cultivate leadership pipelines for both talent and executives alike.
What is one thing you've learned about yourself during the pandemic?
I learned that I can be introverted, at times.
What is your theme word for 2021?